2016 | Page 3 of 4 | PK Education

Year: 2016

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Rebrand Launch!

This is an exciting time for PK Education. A decade of hard work is now…

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Seven-year-old Eva pulls on running shoes for British Heart Foundation

Inspired by the 2016 Rio Olympics, seven-year-old Eva Carpenter is taking on a marathon of…

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Partner approach raises pupil attendance at Nottinghamshire school

The excellent attendance of two pupils at the Alderman White School, part of the WHP…

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Get to grips with the new computing curriculum

Two years after the UK national curriculum required computing to be taught in schools from…

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Our PK Supply Teachers of the Year 2016 share their Supply Top Tips

We thought it would be a great idea to ask our winning Supply Teachers of…

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Supply Teacher of the Year Awards 2016 – Winners Announced!

The Supply Teachers of the Year have been announced at the 2016 awards ceremony. The…
