The very scientific, 100% accurate guaranteed PK personality quiz (honest)
It takes a special kind of person to work at PK – and we all share the same values. But which of our values represent you best? If only there was a brilliant quiz you could do that would tell you… hang on a minute, there is!
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Which best describes you?

You come home to find a zombie in your kitchen. Do you...

Which Toy Story character are you?

You see an old lady carrying a piano up the stairs. Do you:

You've got a really boring job to do. Do you...

You have to rescue a penguin from the zoo. Do you...

You're on 'Come Dine With Me' and someone says your duck is overcooked - how do you react?

Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?

You wake up with a super power. What do you do?

A work deadline is looming. Do you...

You're losing at Monopoly - whose fault is it?

How many hobbies/interests do you have outside work?

You're driving to an interview and an escaped rhino wrecks your car. Do you...

You mess up at work. Do you...

Your plane is going down but there's only one parachute - who gets it?

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You work harder than a one-legged pirate in an ass kicking contest. And we really value hard work at PK – so you’ll fit right in.
You work harder than a cat chasing a laser pointer. And we really value hard work at PK – so you’ll fit right in.
You work harder than a clown’s cobbler (get it? Big shoes). And we really value hard work at PK – so you’ll fit right in.
Engaging Positivity

Your positivity is more contagious than a cold. And working with you makes everyone’s day better.
Even Little Miss Sunshine thinks your happy-go-lucky approach is a bit much. But not us. We’re here for your happiness.
Life’s too short for resting grumpy face – even on your worst days, you’re smiling through the kids’ tears, bogies and worse.
No Nonsense

You’ve no time for serial dipsticks and their endless nonsense. And neither have we. Your no-nonsense approach is just what we’re looking for.
The only games you play are shut up and stop it. You’ve got a zero-tolerance policy on nonsense. So we’re a match made in heaven.
You get enough nonsense from Jack in year 3 who claims his dad’s Jag can drive up walls – wind it in, son. Nothing gets past your finely-tuned nonsense detector.

Success to you is like a bacon and egg butty to a builder. You’re hungry for it – and nothing’s going to stop you.
You’re here to kick ass and chew bubble gum (but you’re all out of bubble gum). You live life on your own terms – and get exactly what you deserve.
There’s no such thing as luck – you deserve your wins and we’d be lucky to have you. Even though we don’t believe in luck.

You grab hold of the rules like a toddler white-knuckles a lollipop – and you’ll always put your responsibilities first. You sound like a keeper to us
Some people think you can be too responsible. And those people are called idiots. Keep doing your thing and we’ll all sleep better at night.
You’re as reliable as a Swiss Army knife, but instead of that thing for removing stones from horse’s hooves, you’ve got a copy of our compliance guidelines.
You are exactly the kind of candidate we’re looking for. When can we talk?