Literacy Tips (Year 7 - 11) | Supply Teaching | PK Education

Literacy Tips (Year 7 – 11)

PK Education. Your Destination For Inspiration.

Most teenagers love their music, right?! Why not make their favourite songs even more meaningful by incorporating this love for music into a lesson about comprehension and writing?

Students will need to interpret the meaning behind the song lyrics, specifically if there is one particular message that stands out.

Ask each student to choose a favourite song and submit it to you ahead of time. Check the lyrics for availability and appropriateness before approving the students’ song choice.


  1. Present each student with a copy of the lyrics for their chosen song. 
  2. Ask each student to write a literacy analysis essay using the chosen song. 
  3. As an added learning experience students can be asked to present their song and analysis back to the class.

For further inspiration head over to BBC Bitesize where you will find reading lessons with Stephen Fry and some top punctuation tips.
